Pokémon TCG Melmetal & Houndoom ex Battle Deck
- 1 ready-to-play 60-card deck
- 3 reference cards
- 1 rules booklet
- 1 single-player playmat
- 1 set of damage counters
- 1 large metallic coin
- 1 deck box
- 1 strategy sheet
- 1 code card to play this deck online
Uncover the Anomalies of Area Zero! Dive into the clouds and explore a land that appears to be unbound by time! With ferocious attacks, Ancient Pok...
查看完整细节1 ready-to-play 60-card deck 3 reference cards 1 rules booklet 1 single-player playmat 1 set of damage counters 1 large metallic coin 1 deck box 1...
查看完整细节强大的神奇宝贝前胜利之战! 强大的 Pokémon ex 已准备好在新的 Pokémon TCG:ex Battle Decks 中冲向战场!每副 60 张牌均由一位杰出的 Pokémon 前任领导,包含您立即玩游戏所需的一切。让战斗开始吧! 在每个前战斗套牌中,您都会发现: • 一副可立...
查看完整细节强大的神奇宝贝前胜利之战! 强大的 Pokémon ex 已准备好在新的 Pokémon TCG:ex Battle Decks 中冲向战场!每副 60 张牌均由一位杰出的 Pokémon 前任领导,包含您立即玩游戏所需的一切。让战斗开始吧! 在每个前战斗套牌中,您都会发现: • 一副可立...
查看完整细节1 foil promo card featuring Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex • 2 foil cards featuring Hoothoot and Noctowl • 1 oversize foil card featuring Bloodmoon Ursalun...