Grand Archive TCG Alchemical Revolution - Tonoris Starter Deck
Grand Archive: Alchemical Revolution – Starter Deck(Tonoris)
Journey into Azoth with one of three pre-constructed Starter Decks! Comingwith the release of Alchemical Revolution (ALC), are the three remaining classesin Grand Archive TCG: Guardian, Cleric, and Ranger.
Guardian – An Indomitable Soul on a Journey to DiscoverHis Truth.
This class focuses on field presence. The first thing someone may associatewith “Guardian” is its role as a protector. Guardian-based strategies shouldexcel at defending their own field and some cards should reward them for doingso. The board control-focused strategies should increase the complexities ofGrand Archive's combat system in a healthy and interactive way.
- Big Swords, Big Swings
- Masters of Defense
- Something Worth Protecting
- Each Starter Deck contains a preconstructed 60-card main deck and a 12-cardmaterial deck.
- Starter Decks have a chance at a randomly inserted CSR (Collector UltraRare) card.